
Friday, April 16, 2010


A chalazion pronounced /kəˈleɪziən/ (plural chalazia /kəˈleɪziə/), also known as a meibomian gland lipogranuloma, is a cyst in the eyelid that is caused by inflammation of a blocked meibomian gland, usually on the upper eyelid. Chalazia differ from styes (hordeola) in that they are subacute, nontender, and usually painless nodules. May become acutely inflamed but, unlike a stye, usually point inside the lid rather than on the lid margin. A chalazion or meibomian cyst could take months to fully heal with treatment and could take years to heal without any scars.

Signs and symptoms

  • Swelling on the eyelid
  • Eyelid tenderness
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Increased tearing
  • Heaviness of the eyelid
A chalazion or meibomian cyst can sometimes be mistaken for a stye. If you have constant styes that are becoming more frequent and painful then it is possible that you have a chalazion and it is recommended that you visit your doctor. A cause for this is not removing eye makeup; the oil from the makeup gathers in the glands and causes a cyst.

sumber :
gambar hiasan aje..bukan aku punya.

5 hari telah selamat dilalui berdampingan dengan eye infection jenis chalazion ini.Alhamdulillah.
punyalah berat nak melangkah ke hospital walaupun mata makin membengkak.
Satu pusingan futsal di markaz syabab Zinhoum menjadi pengubat akhirnya apabila abscess pecah berderai menyebabkan aku menangis air mata darah..dan nanah?? 

so, menu untuk hari ini...
1 tablet..3 times a day.
amoycillin(broad-spectrum penicillin) + flucloxacillin(penicillinase-resistant penicillin)

oh..btw, mcq test utk Pharmacology pula bakal menyerang hari Ahad ini..perlu struggle lagi dengan ubat2..
baca obat!
tido obat!
telan obat!erk.

7 bebelan:

Anonymous said...

Meh aku smbung. Oh obat oh obat. Mari beli obat Hoho

A cause for this is not removing eye makeup

Ko pakai make-up ke, Fais?! MasyaALLAH!


Smoge cepat sembuh okeh. Ujian cket nk pekse tuh. Hapus dosa cket, nnti nk exam kurang dosa. Sng jwb. :)

faisazli said...

Rossarina TM(mcm mn ko buat nh?):

ini bkn obat temberang mcm Bujang Lapok pnya ok.

oih..itu akibat maen copy bulat2 pnya pasal la..
euw,make up2 ni ak xmaen kot.haha.

already getting better.alhamdulillah.

btol2.moga2 mkbul doa..amiin.

dan said...

syafakallah. dan bittaufiq exam :)

btw, masa baca tadi aku skip part atas tu, boleh? ahaha ingatkan info medik hari ini

(balik msia tak?)

Noor Asyila said...

fais nii..jangkit ngan fathy ke?

slmt jawab pharma fais!
nanti jgn pakai spek hitam plak!

[MH] said...

uish, sama penyakit cm aku la.

makan UBAT, jgn tak makan

faisazli said...

thanks dan...

yg sebenarnya....ak pon xbaca habis masa nk copy tuh...baca sket2 je pastu trus copy.hehe.
so,same la kite.

insyaAllah blk klau jd.cuma tarikhnye xtau ble lg.ko?

doktor oo doktor..ini penyakit xmaen jangkit2 la..haha.

ye2...slmt jwb jgk.
err.spek itam?xsmpai thp tuu kot.:)

faisazli said...

nasehat ni aku ptot bg kt tuan pnya bdn blk..
ye2..da mkn pon...n xprlu khidmt pisang~